Causes of Testicular Cancer Signs

Testicular cancer signs

Testicular Cancer is highly curable if caught early enough. This type of cancer is more common in men ages 20 to 39. Every man must know who to do a testicular self-examination, because it has determined that most testicular cancer during a free research by the patient.

testicular cancer signs
Testicular Cancer is also known as the germ cell tumor and is of two types-seminoma or nonseminoma. About 40% of testicular cancer are seminoma and, on the other hand, are divided into four subtypes; choriocarcinoma, Teratoma and embryonal carcinoma and yolk sac tumors. Cancer can sometimes be a combination of these two types of cancer and is called mixed germ cell tumors.

There are signs of testicular cancer that every man should know. One of the signs of testicular cancer is a lump without pain or swelling in the testicles.

Causes of cancer of the testis

Genes/family history are usually called as another cause of testicular cancer.


Testicular Cancer is handled by the testicle (orhiectomy) and radiotherapy or chemotherapy to remove if necessary, under medical supervision. Testicular self-examination is the best way to ensure early detection of testicular tumors. When finished with your treatment of testicular cancer are you tired easier than before treatment. The best thing you can do for your body after cancer treatment is to get plenty of rest.

Treatment of this cancer is one of the most successful for men's issues and start removing the testicle. After this, radiation therapy or chemotherapy are used to ensure that all other forms of cancer are destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease. CT or MRI scans are used to see if the cancer has spread beyond the testicle.

Some of the symptoms of testicular cancer, which demonstrate that the development of cancer of the testis can be displayed in the form of a slight pain in the lower back and in the groin area. Some people have the tendency of overlooking the symptoms as they hurt as lumbago can consider.

Now that the question "what is cancer of the testis" replied, let's talk about the symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are blood in semen, loss of sexual appetite, tenderness or pain in the testicles, a bump or a hardening in one of the testicles or an increase (or reduction) in the size of one of the testicles. Some testicular cancer patients are not all related to cancer risk factor.