Is Marijuana use Increases Your Risk Testicular Cancer?

The words testicular cancer strikes fear into the hearts (and other parts of the much lower body) of most men.

Testicular Cancer is the most common cancer in young men between 20 and 39 years.
There's really no external or apparent from the testicular cancer symptoms you need to warn for her presence in your body. There is no known cause of testicular cancer, but several risk factors are correlated with the development of the disease.

testicular cancer signs

Risk Factors Testicular Cancer


If you are a parent as a father or a brother who has been diagnosed with testicular cancer has close male is your risk higher than the general population. Also, your racial origin can increase the risk that there seems to be a risk in whites and Hispanics.

Testicular abnormalities

If you had a testicle not descended, increases the risk of developing cancer of the testicles, especially if you have more than eleven years at the point where the anomaly was corrected surgically. Mumps Orchitis is mumps of complication that occurs when mumps virus travels to the testicles and causes infection and inflammation.


Some new research is the development of cancer of the testis in connection with the use of marijuana. In a study of men already diagnosed with testicular cancer marijuana use was more widespread than in a control group of men who had no disease by 70%. It is also correlated with his youngest age on beginning for smoking marijuana and using marijuana seems to be linked to a higher risk as well. Of all the risk factors for the development of cancer of the testis seems use of marijuana to be the only one that is easily customizable and under your control.


If testicular cancer is diagnosed the testicle is removed. This procedure is called an orchidectomy. Replacements are available for the installation of restore a normal appearance to the scrotum. Regular treatments of radiation and chemotherapy would be like there are signs that the cancer has already spread to the lymphatic system. The survival rate of the patient for cancer of the testis are almost 90% if the tumor is at the beginning.