What The Importance to Pay Attention to The Symptoms of Ulcer

ulcer symptoms
Stressful lifestyles, poor nutrition and abuse cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine are characteristic for many people these days. All these factors contribute to the development of digestive disorders and an increasing number of people have been diagnosed with various forms of the ulcer last time.

The ulcer is inflammation, a bitterness or injuries of the gastrointestinal tract and disorder to enrich to the wall of the duodenum, stomach or esophagus. Some forms of Ulcer (duodenal ulcer) are meant to be benign in nature, while others (stomach ulcer) can even lead to cancer if ignored or abused.

The ulcer occurs at the bottom of the changes of protective mucous barrier that covers the stomach and internal organs. The ulcer is developed in the presence of the bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, causing infections of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to quickly intervene in the abolition of the ulcer, because it can lead to complications, such as the perforated stomach ulcer or ulcer hemorrhagic. Millions of people In the United States only suffer ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders at certain stages of their lives. There are every year, thousands of new cases of ulcer, and many people who have been diagnosed with certain types of disorders of the need for hospitalization.

The most common symptoms of a stomach ulcer are bitterness, pain and burning at the level of the abdomen. Many people tend to ignore these symptoms of ulcer, whereas their internal discomfort due to stress and fatigue can. In cases of ulcer patients experience pain and bitterness on an empty stomach, but between meals and sometimes late into the night. Some people may feel no internal emergency during the day, while having sleep disorders in the night by the abdominal pain.

Other symptoms of ulcer are lack of appetite, severe indigestion, nausea and vomiting. In the case of more severe forms of the disease include ulcer symptoms blood in vomit and feces, vomit of dark color of the stool consistency thick, black, bloating, hazentandige, fatigue, weakness of the body and dehydration. It is essential for symptoms of ulcer place as soon as possible. Fast response when it comes to the ulcer can stop complications occur, minimize the threat of disorder.