How Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer

ulcer symptoms
Gastritis is a functional of the stomach which is characterized by several symptoms with pain, or heartburn, indigestion and heartburn, the most common. Gastritis may be acute or chronic.

In the first case, they are older and be featured at phases whose symptoms are more pronounced, and with the acute, occur as a result of the more recent cases, as a part of the drug in the stomach lining, poisoning, poor diet and other.

Gastritis is inflammation and irritation of the membranes of the stomach. Gastric ulcer is wrapped a wound in the lining of the stomach, duodenum or small intestine.


Dyspepsia, indigestion, vomiting, headache, acids, burns and discomfort. In the case of ulcer, felt pain in his stomach.


The main causes are generally alcohol, coffee, fried foods and herbs. Stress, nervousness and anxiety also cause gastritis. Gastritis is often associated with factors nervous, psychosomatic, habits or following stressful and asymmetric ways of living. Recently, theories surfaced indicating the ability of the bacterium Helicobacter pilorii develop gastritis and stomach ulcers. Developments of gastritis cause stomach ulcers.


Must be removed with some herbs, spices, pepper, tea, alcohol, carbonated beverages, some painkillers and tablets for frying. It is recommended that the intake of foods such as cheese, flour, cereals, baked potato, soup and noodles, boiled egg chicken ...

The intake of Aloe Vera juice is also very beneficial-start with a small amount-25 ml, diluted with water to increase the amount after a week of first use.

Warning: If you have signs of blood in the stool appears, consult a doctor quickly.

Natural treatment for gastritis

Bee propolis
Aloe Vera juice (Aloe)-take a dosage of 30 ml (3 tbsp.) in 30 minutes before meals
Espinheira Santa
Wheat Germ
IPE Roxo
Resin Jatoba

The against the gastritis and stomach ulcers

-Take a leaf of spinach, cooked and taken 3-4 times a day.

-Plan tasteless rice Pope to be used for some time.

-Cabbage juice fasting morning all day ...

-To gastritis, ulcers and inflammation in general place the plant called sucuuba (Hymath Scuubas) in a litre of boiling water 20 grams. Let cool and drink 3-4 cups a day.

GASTRITIS: treatment for 2 weeks;

PEPTIC ULCER: treat for 1 month.

Plants listed

Ambrette, peltiers, Artemisia, burdock, Calamus Salgueirinha, Parietaria, other aromatic, Germ, Centaurea Major, Ceveda (seed), flax (seed), white horehound (leaves), Miglio (seed).