Check out the 4 Stroke Symptoms Warning Signs

If someone near you was having a stroke, you know what's going on? Do you recognize the signals? And more importantly, you know what to do?

By the end of this article, you'll be confident that the calmly and fast, can lead to the survival of your beloved.

Check out Stroke Symptoms Warning Signs

Sometimes a stroke can be undetected. You're going to think that you fell a balance and an awkward moment of stupidity. The truth about the incident will come out in a few hours when you realize that you're still terrible is wrong with you. If you're not sure, and you feel a little weird after the fall, check out the four symptoms below.

If you think you are a witness of a stroke, you are not sure, these are very simple steps that will help you confirm or allay your concerns.

(1) Ask a man or woman who is suspected of having a stroke to raise his hands.

(2) Ask a man or woman to repeat a very simple phrase, such as "I'm wearing a blue shirt today."

(3) Ask a man or woman to shove his tongue.

(4) Ask a man or woman to smile for you.

The "drain" victim cannot raise his hands firmly, and a simple proposal is likely to be a mixture of mumbles and inconsistent words. If you stick your tongue, it's likely to be a pervert or go left or right, but he will not be able to stick to your direct language.

The smile will look like they just left the dentist's office, and half of your face is not yours, it'll be half a smile.

All four symptoms may not appear, do not risk them at the hospital as soon as possible. You have a very short time span of about 3 hours to get the medical treatment you need.

A stroke can be fatal and it's better to be a little safer than just ignoring the symptoms.

Keep these four very simple steps, and you can easily finish saving someone's life, just admit the symptoms and get the help they need!

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