What Are Causes, Signs And Symptoms Of Bone Cancer (Primary)?

The symptoms of bone cancer

Symptoms of bone cancer refers to abnormal growth of bone tissue. This is a rare form of cancer caused by the growth of neoplastic tissue in the bones. Bone cancer develops mainly in long bones and weakens the bone structure. Experts believe that most patients with bone cancer do not notice symptoms.

The symptoms of bone cancer can remain unnoticed for weeks, months and even years. Similar to other cancers, the growing tumor can be detected by contact. The cyst or tumor has a small arrowhead measurement and can be observed in the area affected by the pain.

symptoms of bone cancer and treatment

This tumor is mainly associated with pain, but in some cases it is just a painless mass that may go unnoticed. Pain in the affected bones is common in bone cancer. In the initial phase, there is only a slight pain that occurs during walking and walking.

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In later stages, however, it becomes more persistent and annoying. A person with bone cancer has persistent and persistent pain in the long bones that may not be related to a physical injury or a known disease. Sometimes the pain can lead to insomnia.

Although pain is one of the most common symptoms of bone cancer, not all patients with bone cancer experience this. Other notable symptoms of bone cancer are swelling. However, this symptom can not occur together with the pain.

In some cases of bone cancer, the swelling takes several weeks. Bone cancer drains the organ and disrupts its proper functioning. The bones of children with this cancer become extremely fragile and sensitive.

For example, even a slight fall can lead to a break. In later stages, the tumor produces calcium salt, which is introduced into the bloodstream. An increase in calcium levels in the blood can cause vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain in a person suffering from the disease.

Nonspecific symptoms such as unwanted weight loss, nausea, chills, fever, increased fatigue and anemia can also be symptoms that point to bone cancer. The bone becomes sensitive and tends to break. A small trauma or just standing on the affected bone leads to fracture. This occurs in both benign and malignant tumors.

The benign tumor spreads locally and affects the surrounding muscles. In some cases, tumors can be removed from both lungs at the same time. In other cases, the surgeon can remove tumors from both lungs in separate operations.

If your osteosarcoma cannot be completely removed by surgery, you will probably be treated with palliative therapies (treatments that are used to control the spread of the disease and control symptoms, but do not want to be cured). These include chemotherapy and / or radiation alone or supportive treatments.

1. Adriamycin® (doxorubicin):

Doxorubicin hydrochloride belongs to the group of chemotherapeutic agents known as anthracycline antibiotics. Doxorubicin stops the growth of cancer cells and causes them to die. This medication is injected into a vein for about 15 minutes. The dose and frequency with which you receive the medicine depends on your size, your blood count, the proper functioning of your liver and the type of cancer.

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2. Blenoxane® (bleomycin):

Bleomycin belongs to the group of chemotherapeutic agents known as antibiotics. Bleomycin interferes with cell division and destroys cells. Bleomycin is given by injection into a vein for 10 minutes or as a continuous infusion for 24 hours or as an injection into the muscle or under the skin. The dose depends on the size.

3. Cytoxan® or Neosar® (cyclophosphamide):

Cyclophosphamide belongs to a group of chemotherapeutic agents known as alkylating agents. It stops the growth of cancer cells and causes their death. This medication can be administered orally in the form of a pill or liquid or by injection into a vein. The dose depends on your size, your blood count and your type of cancer.

4. Ifex® (ifosfamide):

Ifosfamide belongs to a group of chemotherapeutic agents known as alkylating agents. Ifosfamide stops the growth of cancer cells, causing them to be killed. Ifosfamide is given as an injection into a vein for 1 to 24 hours for a few days. The dose depends on your size, the function of your kidneys, your blood count and the type of cancer you are treating.

5. Paraplatin® (carboplatin):

Carboplatin is a medicine for the treatment of platinum drugs and belongs to a group of medicines known as alkylating agents. It stops the growth of cancer cells, which she kills. Carboplatin is given as an injection into the vein for 15 to 60 minutes. The dose depends on the size. However, it can be reduced or not administered if the number of blood cells is low.

6. Platinol® (cisplatin):

Cisplatin is a platinum-based chemotherapeutic agent that acts as an alkylating agent. It stops the growth of cancer cells, which she kills. Cisplatin is given by injection into the vein for at least 1 hour. Your dose depends on the type of cancer, the size and function of your kidneys.

7. Rheumatrex® or Trexall ™ (methotrexate):

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Methotrexate belongs to a group of chemotherapy medicines called antimetabolites. It prevents cells from producing DNA and RNA, which stops the growth of cancer cells. Methotrexate is given as an oral pill, as an injection into a vein for up to 20 minutes, or as an injection into a muscle. The dose depends on your size, the type of cancer, your blood count and the performance of your kidneys.

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