Cancer Signs and Symptoms of Cervical

Cervical cancer signs and symptoms

Sometimes women can reach the advanced stages of the disease and have no symptoms. Cervical cancer signs and symptoms in fact few women with symptoms that may be associated with ovarian cancer are diagnosed with it.

Chances of death are increased for women with this disease as they get older. Death of the ovarian cancer in women 35 to 54 years old is about twenty-five percent. Women between 55 and 74, the proportion of deaths due to this disease increases to 50 percent.

cancer sign
Women need to know what the signs of ovarian cancer are and be able to recognize them.

The symptoms of ovarian cancer to check are:

Weight loss or weight increase compared to your waist that you can't explain

Abdominal, pelvic pain shortness or breath back

Vaginal bleeding or unusual discharge as of menopause or a heavy menstrual bleeding

Gastro intestinal problems that may be vague such as indigestion, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, bloody stools, vomiting and nausea, prolonged diarrhea or constipation

Muscle spasms or burning when urinating

These symptoms could be a sign of many small ailments and other diseases. Women must maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent this disease and many others. An annual evaluation in order to detect the ovarian cancer before it has a chance to spread must be part of the women's health care plan after 35 years.