Cancer Signs and Symptoms of Stomach

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is caused when an ulcer or tumor/bump is formed in the inside of the walls of the stomach. In many cases, sometimes cancer cells to build their base in the stomach while giving no hint of even a physical tumor. This is generally why stomach cancer is not always detected in time for sure.

Initially, the border of the stomach cancer intervals. The many types of cancer of the stomach are sometimes classified according to their place of origin.

cancer sign
* Lymphoma-during this variety of stomach cancer, lymphatic systems is affected first and so we know.

* Carcinoid tumor-here, the main target cells of cancer is that the neuro-endocrine system.

* Carcinoma-there is a donation of exact cell within the lining of the stomach. It is also called scaly. Carcninomas cancer starts in this cell.

* Sarcomas-this type of cancer affects the muscle layer of the stomach

Doctors, however, were unable to discover the exact reasons behind growing cancer cases.

However, compared to the amount that they need from the associated identified components that contribute to cancer of the stomach may include:

* Chain smoking.

* Obesity.

* Excessive meat consumption and salt.

* Alcoholic consumption.

* Common acid reflux.

* Hereditary.

* Be male.

* The majority of patients had a blood-cluster.

In general, there are fewer cases of ladies, a diagnosis of cancer of the stomach and a large number of cases of men.

Symptoms of the first phase:

* swallowing problems.

* After a meal, the person will be uncomfortable and faces of heartburn.

* Pain in the stomach.

Symptoms in the later stages:

* Bloody cough.

* Weight loss.

* The excreta of person are dark in color.

A question to keep in mind is that these signs and symptoms, although that in patients with stomach cancer observed, by no means sufficient for a self-diagnostic test. Treatments for stomach cancer are for other types of cancer, chemotherapy, biological therapy, surgery and radiotherapy.