How to Cure of Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer

How to cure of lung cancer

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by the growth of cells. Lung cancer occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in one or both lungs. The lungs are two large spongy organs within the chest cavity. Lung cancer occurs more often among adults age between 40 and 70 who have smoked for at least 20 years.

More than 1,400 Victorians are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. There are several types of lung cancer, according to which cells are affected.

1. Small cell carcinom
About 15% of lung cancers is small cell carcinomas. This type of cancer spreads to the beginning and shows some symptoms at the beginning.

2. Carcinoma non-small cell
These cancers affect the cells lining of the bronchi.

Some lung tumors are metastatic cancer elsewhere in the body. The lungs are a common place for metastasis. If the lung cancer tends to spread or metastasize in the beginning of the course, it is a very deadly cancer, one of the most difficult to treat cancers. Therefore know how to cure lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer are varied depending on where and the extent of the tumor. Signs of lung cancer are not always present or easy to identify. Symptoms of lung cancer takes years before the appearance, usually after the disease is in an advanced stage.

Here are the following symptoms of lung cancer include:

1. Pain in the shoulder and chest cough

2. Recurrent pneumonia or chest infections

3. Unexplained WEIGHT LOSS

Lung cancer is divided into stages according to its spread. Treatments for lung cancer also depends on the type of cancer, age, health status and additional personal characteristics. More than one type of therapy may be prescribed to cure lung cancer. Although important information, extracting cancer cells and diagnostic techniques to look at under the microscope are simply the way to diagnosis of lung cancer. If the biopsy confirms lung cancer, a pathologist will determine if it is non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.

Small cell lung cancer is a two-step process that is:

1. In a limited time is the tumor in one lung and in nearby lymph nodes.

2. In the extended phase, the tumor is infected by the other lung, but also other organs of the body.

For non-small cell lung cancer, are indicated as follows from I to IV. Lower numbers earlier stages where the cancer has spread less indicates:

1. Phase I is when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes around the infected lung.

2. Phase II is when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes around the trachea, the chest wall and diaphragm on the same side as the infected lung.

3. Stage III is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes on the other lung or in the neck.

4. Stage IV is when the cancer has spread to the rest of the body and other parts of the lungs.

As with most forms of cancer, the results are better if the cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages. However, some lung cancer are not diagnosed until they are pretty advanced. Treatment may be limited to relief of symptoms. To heal depending on lung cancer treatment option.

What is the cause of lung cancer:

1. Cigar and pipe smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, but not as much as smoking cigarettes.

2. Asbestos fibers are fibers of silicate that for a lifetime in Lung tissues after exposure to asbestos can persist. With about 12% of deaths from lung cancer due to radon.

3. The air pollution from the power plants of the personal company, the vehicles and the industry can increase the chance of developing cancer of the lungs in exposed persons

Screening techniques are designed to find cancer in the earliest possible stage, so most of the treatment options available. Most lung cancers are detected in the last stages of the disease after what they have spread and more difficult to treat. Possible screening for lung cancer tests include analysis of sputum cells, fiber optic cable examination of the bronchi and low-dose spiral CT scans.

Cancer treatments and cancer may make a person feel too tired to exercise. Studies show, however, that physical activity can increase energy levels of a person who has cancer.

Consult your doctor and know how to cure lung cancer.