The Contributions of Radiation Oncology in The Medical World

Radiation Oncology


Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with cancer studies and develops methods and techniques for data processing. Those who practice Oncology are called oncologists.

There are two main branches of Oncology:

1. Medical oncology

2. Radio-Oncology

MEDICAL ONCOLOGY has helped with CHEMOTHERAPY, while Oncology is and remains to a lot of new technologies, especially in the form of new radiation-delivery methods.

As incredible as it may seem, advances in Oncology of just the past two decades has led to much lower mortality rates and astronomically higher survival rate of the patient they were just 20 years ago.

Progress in the detection of cancer and raising public awareness about CANCER also contributed to the increased survival rate of the patient. For most types of cancer are oncologists now able to treat patients successfully through detection, with which to begin treatment before the cancer has a chance to grow out of control.One of the most recent advances in radiation oncology is TomoTherapy, a commercialized type of IMRT (intensity intensity modulated radiation therapy) that creates a new and more effective radiation-delivery. TOMOTHERAPY is a perfect example of the work being done in radio-Oncology.

TomoTherapy offers not actually new technologies, but rather contains several older technologies detection and a delivery system. It also improves the delivery of radiation to a tumor site by turning around the patient, so delivering a higher dose of global radiation of multiple angles rather than many fixed beams of low RADIATION.

Offer high volumes of radiation is one of the best ways to treat cancer. However, because tumors in the body are not surrounded by healthy tissue and you want to provide this amount of radiation to damage, effectively treating a tumor is enough to kill the patient. Each promotion in Oncology and Oncology in General leads to a day when the cancer of all kinds of also easily treated as a broken arm.