What are The Symptoms of Cancer?

cancer symptoms, symptoms of cancer

Worse still many symptoms of cancer can also refer to other conditions. Cancer is categorized in two ways. Virtually every part of the human body can be attacked by cancer cells. The most common form of cancer diagnosed in the United States include cancer of the lungs, breast and cervical cancer and leukemia (blood cancer).

Different population groups are at risk for various types of diseases-such as cancer of the breast can affect men, but far more often in women is diagnosed. After an initial diagnosis of cancer, say for example lung cancer, the disease is categorized as phase phase II, phase III or phase IV. Phase I is the less invasive form, such as the disease refers to cancer that only the layer of cells that the origin is invaded. Cancer that were taken at this early stage have an excellent prognosis with early treatment.

Stage IV cancers involve disease who passed the original site to other organs or systems of the body has spread. For example, stomach cancer that has spread to the liver or kidneys. This type of cancer is much more difficult to treat and requires a very aggressive treatment.

Because cancer covers so many different types of tissues of the human body can have, it's hard to say what are the symptoms of cancer. In general, include some of the most common symptoms observed in the different types of the disease:

- Tiredness-it is well known that dysplasia. Steal energy of healthy cells, cancer cells in addition to force the body to use energy, the fight against the disease. Often, patients become anemic, which also contributes to fatigue. Any type of chronic, severe fatigue should be checked by a doctor.

- Unexplained, sudden or extreme weight loss: it is often one of the first symptoms that are noticed.

- Fevers and chronic diseases: to feel constantly expire, running a low-grade fever disease often and usually most of the time can point to a deleted or stressed immune system. If you are chronically ill, a doctor should give you a good checkup.

All these symptoms may show signs of another condition apart from cancer or any medical condition at all, but it's still a good idea to the appointment of a doctor if you think something is not right. In the case of cancer early detection gives you the best chance for a full redemption.

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