Reasons Why Breast Cancer Should Be Worried?

Why Breast Cancer Should Be Worried?

Breast cancer is one of the leading types of cancer in women today. Most of us know someone who has breast cancer or had, and continuous coverage of the event coverage is always women are increasingly aware of the situation. National control of mammography programs, dedicated breast clinics, game advances in modern methods of treatment with the ongoing investigation all their role in early diagnosis and successful treatment.

What is cancer?

Cells throughout the body continuously lost and replaced occurs in an equilibrium state. Tumors were classified into whether benign or malignant. Benign tumors are those who, as they grow uncontrollably, not spread beyond the borders of anatomical limits of. The common feature of all cancers is that the conventional balance between the loss of cells and proliferation of the cells is disturbed.

What develop risk factors for breast cancer?

Some women with one or even several risk factors, never go to the development of breast cancer, and many women with breast cancer have no obvious risk factors.

The following are known risk factors:

• Have a breast cancer had:

A 3 to 4 times the risk of a renewed increase of breast cancer, regardless of the first, the other breast or in another part of the breast itself.

• Aging:

The risk of breast cancer increases with age, the highest incidence in the age group 55-59 years are happening. While breast cancer predominantly affects older women, can occur in women under 30 years.

• Family history of breast cancer:

A first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter) with breast cancer increases the risk of breast cancer to have.

• Predisposition to breast cancer:

The story chest of certain conditions, such as hyperplasia, atypical lobular or ductal carcinoma in situ and lobes increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

• Genetics:

Counterparts of the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. Women most likely genetic risk for breast cancer, which by an expert (ideally in clinical cancer genetics) evaluating genetic risk presented. Women with this BRCA mutation have about 5 to 10 times higher risk of developing breast cancer than women with no mutation. They also tend to have breast cancer at a much younger age.

• Overweight

• Drink

• Race:

Caucasian women were at slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer than African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and Asians found.

• The presence of other types of cancer in the family:

A family history of ovarian cancer, uterine, cervical or colorectal cancer increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

• Excessive exposure to radiation

• HRT (HRT):

Long-term use of estrogen and progestin in combination increases the risk of breast cancer.

• Early menarche:

If you had the first period before age 12, the risk increases.

• Late menopause:

Achieving menopause very slowly, will also increase the risk of breast cancer.

Breast cancer at an early stage, usually has no symptoms. As the tumor grows, the following symptoms may occur:

• Lumps breast or armpit that does not change with menstrual size. Bumps for breast cancer is usually indoloras.

• Changes in the color or the skin of the breast, areola and nipple (for example, wrinkling, curling or scaling)

• Change the nipple, such as shrinkage (which the nipple), itching or burning, or nipple discharge.

• A hard marble surface of the breast skin.

• To change the size or shape of the breast

What can help you with the risk of developing breast cancer to reduce?

A healthy and balanced diet, regular exercise, avoiding a healthy body weight and excessive alcohol consumption, to help reduce the chances of breast cancer, along with a host of other diseases. Regular mammograms do not suffer from the risk of developing breast cancer, but allows better early detection of chance, wherein the treatment is usually successful.

Because breast cancer is diagnosed;

Many women are not to convert their doctors with discomfort in the chest, which may be due to cancer. The common benign breast conditions include fibrocystic disease and fibroadenoma of the breast. However, any new breast changes should be evaluated by a doctor.

Doctors usually make the diagnosis of breast cancer, it is commonly known as the "triple test". As the name suggests, there are three parts to:

(I) Physical examination
(Ii) Within the image
(III) Breast biopsy

1. Clinical examination

breast examination by a doctor include inspection and palpation of each quadrant of both breasts (breast usually divided into four parts), the area under the nipple, and feel the enlargement of the lymph nodes under both arms.

2. Breast Figure

Mammography is the most common test used to detect breast cancer. In younger women, who tend to be more dense breast tissue, mammography may be difficult to read and physicians can instead apply for any other imaging method.

The breast benign tumors usually rounded with smooth edges. Cancers other hand, seems more dense with serrated edge in general. The surrounding tissue may also be distorted by invasive cancer cells. Cancers may also be associated with salt complexes shown on mammograms and bright white dots.

MRIs often help women at high risk for the screening of breast cancer, a more detailed assessment of an area of ​​interest found on mammography or ultrasound, to gain control of relapse after treatment.

3. Breast Biopsy

Fine needle

The thin needle (FNA) comprises a small sample of breast tissue collection on a long, thin needle and a syringe. The core biopsy is taken under local anesthesia and most doctors of breast tissue is to work to increase the diagnostic accuracy.

Your breast surgeon will for the most appropriate method is recommended to take a biopsy sample for you.

Factors influencing prognosis:

Several factors are known to affect the likelihood of successful treatment and the risk of relapse.

The operation aims to completely remove the tumor and obtain clear margins of resection in order to reduce the risk of relapse. Adjuvant therapy is micrometastatic disease (cancer cells that escape the breast and regional lymph nodes and still have a recognizable founded metastatic focus) treatment. The type of adjunctive therapy include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy with monoclonal antibodies.

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