What Field Of Cancer Research?

Field Of Cancer Research ~ Many volunteers from around the world are committed to raise funds for research and cancer cancer organizations. Many hundreds of thousands working in the industry as a supervisor or researching, prescribing, diagnosing and manufacturing drugs. Large companies spend a fortune on cancer research. After so long and so many billions spent what exactly reveals cancer research?

There is understanding of cancer discoveries regularly, but little progress in therapy. Modern cancer research began in the 40s and 50s, when scientists isolated substances that killed a Petri dish-growing cancer cells and leukemia cells in laboratory mice. Initial successes in chemotherapy the pace and received much media, even if applied only 5% of cancer treatments at most.

Cancer research is high profile activity and sometimes a scientific treatment found that gains recognition as HPV-16 trial, but only for the processing of a small percentage of cancer related. The first results have created the expectation that it was a medical treatment, a "magic bullet" that would make famous discovery to treat cancer worldwide. The idea of ​​the aspirin, the initial sphere stably magic way for pain and reduces.

In the 50s and 60s, large and expensive research programs are designed to test all substances known to see if it causes cancer cells. Taxol, a treatment for breast cancer and ovarian cancer comes from the tree Pacific Tagos. Treatment for testicular cancer and lung cancer small cell called «Etoposide» originated from May apple. In plants against cancer by Jonathan Hartwell over 3,000 plants from medical and folklore sources identified for the treatment of cancer, about half of which have an effect on tumor cells in test tubes have been demonstrated.

When these plants are converted to synthetic drugs, chemicals isolated isolated and the rest of the plant is normally discarded. In the first stage will be tested on animals in general, the second phase, the tested decide the dosage levels and in phase 3 in humans. Besides research "directed to treatment", such as the discovery of chemicals that affect cancer cells continue vigorously basic research rates, the differences between normal cells and cancer cells. Below are some of the current aspects of scientific cancer research.

Treatment is carried out with antibodies:

This is the "magic bullet" concept. Cancer researchers used monoclonal antibodies to transport toxins directly to tumor cells without harming others.


Much governed by what happens in our body through circles, the monthly cycle of women in circles of brain waves. Human health depends aligned cycles interact with acts of perception, breathing, reproduction and renewal. Hormones, including stress and growth hormones, have their own cycles. Cancer cells appear to have the same cycle rate as obey normal cells.


A part of the cell, called telomerase, regulate the life cycle of a cell, and can be multiplied many times. Some cancer cells escape from this control and can increase the number of times that divide, always "immortal". The researchers are hoping to gain control of cancer cells by stopping the action of telomerase.


Secondary tumors (metastases), the cells around them grow convince new blood vessels to supply the tumor, providing oxygen and nutrients for tumor growth.

Anti-adhesion molecules:

Cancer cells are formed into groups formed unlike those in a Petri dish on a more level configuration. If resists groups of cells that appear to have a quality of treatment. This research is seeking ways wire to stop the cells urged aggregates for a more effective treatment to resolve.

Anti-oncogene products:

Specific D.N.A. parts, called oncogenes, which promote the development of cancer role. Drugs that can interfere with the production of oncogenes are useful for future cancer therapy.

Gene Therapy:

Research on the use of tumor suppressor genes highlighted in the British National Cancer Plan as an important element.


Very quietly the search is for cancer for a general treatment is on his side, instead of finding a vaccine. The whole idea of ​​a treatment or therapy that "one size fits all" break under certain conditions, is chaotic to cause cancer in an individual. Spent on treatment following billion in research for the Holy Grail of cancer, the search is now found a vaccine.

In a recent interview Immunology cancer in the US immunologists Top 21 nations lectures on current topics such as immunology visited immunosuppressive cancer, immunomodulation, the discovery of cancer antigens, monitoring and analysis of the immune response in human cancer.

Cancer Vaccine Collaborative (CVC) was launched with much enthusiasm in life. It is a unique research program that should improve how cancer vaccines are developed, based on a collaboration of six medical centers in New York and one in Minnesota. The goal of his research is to understand how cancer immunization effectively a vaccine "action research".

Making vaccines donor blood proved beneficial for certain types of cancer operations. Incorrect matches can create a host of complications. Scientists find ways of killer T cells derived from the host or donor either to train more effectively to fight the cancer cells. They noted that the killer donor T cells that are already "prepared" for a particular cancer (e.g., the body of the donor cells "remembers" the disease) can be very effective. It can take many years to prove validity, reliability, safety and efficacy of this treatment. Harvesting the natural immunity of our own cells or donor can be with the help of genetic engineering are also a great actor against modern immune attacking diseases.

Increases monitoring:

This type of cancer research analyzed genetic entities, which may be a high risk of developing certain types of cancer, and are partly a preparation for potential vaccines. Genetic counseling is a contribution of the 21st century health care in preventing disease as based therapy to be.


Search West Germany (Grossart-Maticek) argues that it is similar to the model of most chronic diseases not only cause cancer.

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