How To Something Your Different Types Of Stroke Symptoms?

It really happened. During the party, Lady stumbled and fell. It seemed nothing serious, the lady did not climb and the proposal of her friends to call the paramedics rejected. She said she slipped because of her new shoes. The lady adjusted her clothes, and while she seemed a little shaken in the fall, she ate her dinner and seemed to enjoy herself.

Later that day, the lady's man cried out to say that she was not taken well and hurried to the hospital. She died that night. She suffered a stroke at the party, and if the people who attended the symptoms were understood, they could do something and possibly save her. Rescuing a person who has a stroke is not only a matter of rescuing his life, but also a matter of rescuing them of paralysis, which they are in a helpless, hopeless state, late can even if they do not die.

Different Types Of Stroke Symptoms

According to the neurologists, a stroke can be recognized immediately if the overall attention is given within three hours, it is usually possible to reverse these effects, often in full. The problem is that the lines are often not recognized because most people do not know about the symptoms.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain suddenly stops. There are two types of lines. If arteries carry blood to the brain to suddenly be blocked, it has called an ischemic stroke. When the blood vessels burst and the blood penetrates into the brain's tissue, it is called bleeding.

A heavy stroke, if not treated on time, could lead to death. Even if the line is not lethal, it can lead to neurological damage that the patient leaves in the event of a disability. The brain is one of the most complex organs of the body. Even if other organs refuse, the brain can continue to function. But when the brain stops functioning full-brain death, other organs are not mastered and gradually dying.

A stroke is a common disease that exists in human nature. The basics are quite simple but are often closed by the terminology used by doctors to describe. However, this article attempted to simplify the statement for the purpose of understanding.

The dashboard is divided into 5 types, due to two main reasons. This is a white stroke (ischemic), a temporary influence (TIA), a red indent (ICH), a red dash (such) and dementia (vascular disorder).

White lines stop the blood flow. This is the most common type. They stand next to a red line that causes bleeding in the brain. Almost all white drain, blood is formed and blocks the flow of blood in the part of the brain. After all, it will cause a painless loss of brain function.

The transition period line is the last time only for a short period of time. Medical staff and doctors refer to temporary ischemic attacks (TIA). Some white dashes are temporary. Transition period lines are different positions, a relatively short span of time and no visible handicap thereafter. It rarely causes damage to the brain.

The red lines are opposite to the white hand. The red accents are caused by arterial haemorrhage, while the white hand is caused by clots in the cerebral blood vessels. The two kinds of red line deviate in the place where the bleeding area begins. One type includes bleeding in the areas around the brain, called subwebs. The other type is called bleeding in the brain that happens when the bleeding in the brain itself. A bleeding subweb gives warning signs such as facial and eye pain, a large pupil in one eye, headache, neck pain and stiffness, which suddenly and suddenly aches between the shoulder.

Otherwise, the brain haemorrhage creates the same symptoms and signs as the white line. This involves a paralyzed face, an arm or a leg on one side of the body, the difficulty in speaking or understanding speech, loss of feeling on one side of the body, the dizziness and rejection of the use of hands or legs. Usually, it gets worse when the time has elapsed. Brain haemorrhage is often lethal and leads to more severe disability.

Dementia is the result of a series of small strokes. It's usually not clear, so man might not even know when they really do. It creates foggy numbness and manure. Dementia is a condition that in which it is damaged by the brain tissue that leads to a severely weakened memory, cognitive capacity and loss of other main functions that can become progressively worse.

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