How To Something Your Post Stroke Symptoms Getting Worse?

A stroke, also known as a stroke or heart attack, is a sudden loss of brain circulation on one or more of the blood vessels that provide the brain. The spills have disrupted the oxygen supply in the brain tissue and can cause serious damage. It is vital for all survivors of a stroke to restore normal circulation as soon as possible to limit the damage to the brain tissue.

Although the mortality of strokes has dropped significantly from about 90 percent in 1950, the number is still about 30 percent, and the stroke may soon become the most common cause of death worldwide. Of those who survived, about half remain permanently handicapped, and many of them survive for several weeks, months or years.

Causes and morbidity

Causes of post stroke symptoms getting worse

A stroke is the result of obstruction of the blood vessel, usually from the brain, but sometimes within the brain itself. Factors that increase the risk of stroke include the history of transient ischemic attacks, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, arrhythmia (especially fibrillation), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, increased heart, high cholesterol, smoke, insufficient exercise, prolonged use of contraception, obesity, and family history of strokes. Women have additional risk factors for the course as oral contraceptives that are not available in men. The younger patients report a disease caused by cerebral cocaine.

The number of strokes increases exponentially from 30 years, and the aetiology varies by age, 95% of traces occur at the age of 45 years and over, and two-thirds of the symptoms occur over 65 years of age. Men are traditionally more at risk of stroke than women, but women begin to reach men five or ten years after menopause. Although this course is more common with regard to the elderly, persons of any age and any level of physical fitness may be subject to trauma. People risk dying if he or she also has a stroke that increases with age.

The course is a rare phenomenon for children, who account for only a small percentage of annual education. The course of childhood is often secondary to congenital heart disease, anomalies of genetic skull disorders and blood disorders such as thrombophilia.

Types of strokes

Types of post stroke symptoms getting worse

The tracks can be classified into two main categories: coronary and haemorrhagic, 80% of the signs are caused by the disease, the rest because of the bleeding.

The main causes of the stroke are thrombosis, embolism and haemorrhage.

1. Thrombosis is the most common cause of the average age and older persons, as they tend to have higher rates of arterial fever, diabetes or hypertension. This can happen at any age, especially in those who have a history of rheumatism, endocarditis, cardiac arrhythmia, or after open cardiac surgery.

2. The embolism is the second most common cause of the stroke. Embolisms occur when a blood vessel is blocked by a clot, tumour, thick, bacteria, or air. Embolisms are usually developed within 10-20 seconds and without prior notice, and when they reach the brain, it would cut the movement in a narrow convoy. Rtéria causing a tumour and tissue death.

3. Haemorrhage in the third most common type of stroke, which is more common in women than men, since the embolism can occur suddenly at any age. This results in chronic hypertension or an aneurysm, causing a sudden rupture of the cerebral artery.

Symptoms and Stroke Symptoms

post stroke symptoms getting worse

This course is usually a loss of sensory function and engine on one side of the body (85% of coronary patients have hemiparesis), a change of vision, a hike, or the ability to speak, understand, or suddenly have a strong headache.

The clinical characteristics of the course vary according to; The affected blood vessel and the part of the brain that the vessel provides, the severity of the damage and the ability of the affected area to compensate for the reduction of blood supplies by means of accompanying circulation. The footprints on the left side of the brain mainly affect the right half of the body and vice versa. Most forms of stroke do not involve headaches other than the subaraknídeo haemorrhage and cerebral venous thrombosis, and sometimes the bleeding intracerebral.

The symptoms are usually classified according to the affected blood vessel:

1. Medium cerebral artery: difficulties in swallowing, complicating, reducing the visual field and paralysis on the one hand, especially the face and arm.

2. Carotid artery: weakness, paralysis, numbness, visual disorder, headaches, altered levels of consciousness, difficulties with conversations, and the fallen age.

3. Arterial artery: Weakness, lip numbness, visual field cuts, dual vision, poor coordination, difficulty in swallowing, indistinct speech, dizziness and amnesia.

4. The front cerebral artery: confusion, weakness and numbness (especially in the leg), impossibility, loss of coordination, weakening of motor and sensory functions and personal change.

5. Rear main artery: sensory defects, reduction of a visual field, time, coma, blindness of the cerebral cortex, but not paralysis.


Diagnosis of post stroke symptoms getting worse8780899

For those consulted in the emergency room, early recognition of the course is considered important, as it can speed up diagnostic tests and treatment methods. Strokes caused by the blockage of a stroke or the arterial spasm that cause the disease should be distinguished from the blows caused by the bleeding, which is usually serious and often lethal. KMA diagnosed with a variety of methods: clinical monitoring, neurological examination, CT or magnetic resonance sensing, ultrasound and Arteriografi.


The surgical operation to improve the efficiency of brain circulation, the plasminogen tissue Activator (TPA) for the dissolution of clots, anticoagulants and anticonvulsants is commonly used for the treatment of KMA. The treatment for breaking the blood clot, the main cause of the stroke, must begin within 3 hours to be effective. TPA should be controlled within three hours after the stroke. Consequently, patients who wake up with symptoms are not eligible for TPA, because the start time cannot be precisely determined. Patients with KMA (a disease of thrombotic or embolism) who do not have the right to TPA can handle heparin or other anticoagulants or with aspirin or other anticoagulant agents in some cases.

Among patients with a valve atrium, anticoagulation can reduce the stroke by 60% because the platelets can reduce the stroke by 20%. Anticoagulants and ANTISROMBOTIKSS, the keys to the treatment of ischemic stroke, may worsen the bleeding and may not be used in intracerebral haemorrhage. In addition to final treatment, the treatment of acute courses includes the control of blood sugar, ensuring that the patient has sufficient oxygen and appropriate intravenous fluids.

You can also use painkillers, air conditioners to avoid tension and corticosteroids to minimize the swelling. There have been recent reports of good progress in reducing the complications of the FDA-listed electric power strips, which were used in conjunction with their associated Seagrass foods, which Helps the authority to regulate the immune system, improve blood flow, and eliminate toxins. Another new course of action to prevent KMA and rehabilitation, which makes sense, is complemented by redox cell molecules. These molecules, which are inherent to the body when you are new, are used by your body to repair damage wherever it is needed.


In general, there are three stages to treatment: prevention, treatment immediately after the course and rehabilitation. Treatments that prevent the first or repeated course are based on the treatment of persons who are the main risk factors for the stroke, such as hypertension, fib and diabetes. The reduction of blood pressure was amply demonstrated to prevent coronary and blood spills. Aspirin prevents the first strike in patients suffering from myocardial infarction. Food, in particular, the diet in the Mediterranean, has the potential of more than half of the risk of stroke.

Acute therapeutic methods try to stop a course when a blood clot is quickly removed, causing an ischemic stroke or preventing bleeding from a haemorrhage.

Recovering from a stroke helps people overcome the flaws caused by a stroke injury. The most popular varieties of drugs used to prevent or treat the course are antithrombotics (platelets and anticoagulants) and Srombolitiks.


A stroke can cause problems with thought, awareness, attention, training, judgment, and memory. The survivors often face problems of understanding or speech, and they may have difficulty controlling their emotions or expressing incorrect emotions. They may also have a strange numbness or sensation.

The rehabilitation of this course is a process whereby patients suffering from incapacity are treated in order to help them to return to normal life as much as possible by extracting and learning the capabilities of Everyday Life. New achievements in image and rehabilitation have shown that the brain can compensate for a lost function as a result of a stroke, so you should start to recover the stroke as soon as possible.

After a stroke, both the accident and the family are often afraid to go home and become accustomed to life after a stroke. Stroke survivors have to get used to doing things differently and can affect intimacy, relationships, work, and hobbies, so for most patients with KMA, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy, they are the cornerstones of the rehabilitation process.

From 30 to 50, 5 percent of survivors in the aftermath of a stroke, which is characterized by sluggishness, irritability, sleep disorders, low self-esteem and care, some management courses may also include psychologists, social assistants and pharmacists. Since at least one-third of the patients had demonstrated depression after the stroke.

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