9 Stroke Symptoms Warning Signs

We all wanted to avoid a stroke. But what if it's worse and you have a stroke? How do you know that? What if a friend or a family member you have a stroke with? Do you recognize him? You know, to get help now? And why is that so important?

stroke symptoms warning signs

Over the past few months, I have seen several patients who, for one reason or another, have arrived at the emergency room hospital very late. The woman spent three days in bed, sleeping in accordance with her husband and son. They thought she was just exaggerated in preparation for the upcoming holidays. They finally realized something was wrong, and they brought her to the emergency room. A CT scan of her brain showed she bled out in her cerebellum. It's one of the most dangerous places to stroke.

The other patient developed a headache that didn't go away. His wife and daughter repeatedly tried to take him to the emergency room, but he refused. Two days later, he became very sleepy and could not refuse. They called an ambulance, and he was brought to the emergency room. His brain also bleeds. So, why is it that someone is feeling very sick, not going to the hospital immediately? Especially when they pushed close relatives? Why did family members not admit that something was very wrong and that their relatives in the emergency division were before three days?

Sometimes we think that what seems wrong will just go better and walk away. Sometimes we hope so. The problem is, when we talk about something serious like a stroke, time makes sense. A stroke means the brain cells are wounded and die. Most strokes, nine out of ten, occur because part of the brain does not receive enough blood and oxygen. They have an ischemic stroke. The artery in the brain or on the way to the brain is blocked by a clot or a piece of the plaque. Brain cells lose blood and oxygen and die in minutes. Bloody spills occur when the blood vessel or around the brain burst. Although only 13% of strokes in the United States is haemorrhaging, they account for 30% of the death due to a stroke. In any case, a person may suffer serious brain injury or even die. Brain damage can be devastating and irreversible. The best case, if we have a stroke, is urgent. If you have a stroke, how do you know? How do you know that someone you have a stroke with?

These are the most common features:

1. A sudden headache without cause
2. Sudden dizziness
3. Sudden confusion
4. Unexpected problems with conversation and/or understanding
5. Unexpected problems with one or both eyes
6. Sudden weakness of the face or arm or leg, especially if it is on one side of the body
7. Sudden numbness of the face or arm or leg, especially if it is on one side of the body
8. Unexpected workarounds
9. Sudden loss of equilibrium or coordination

You may have noticed the sudden onset of these signals. It's a sign of diseases caused by the problems of the blood vessels. You don't have to try them all to have a stroke. In addition, symptoms can only last for a short period of time. If you or someone has experience, even one of them, you should get help immediately. Get help even if the warning sign disappears, and then you feel normal. 2 000 000 The brain cells die every minute of a stroke. The sooner you go to the hospital, the sooner you get the treatment that will save your life. The time you take for treatment can mean the difference between returning to your independent previous lifestyle and requiring home care, Walker, a wheelchair, and so forth.

The patient was talking to his daughter on the phone. Your daughter noticed her mother dragged her words. She kept her mom on the phone and used a cell phone to call an ambulance. Her mother was taken to the nearest emergency room, diagnosed with a stroke and taken to the intensive care unit. She made a full recovery. The first two patients I was talking about? They're dead.

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