Stroke causes and Symptoms

Living with someone who can have a stroke isn't easy. It is not because this person should receive special care, but because he is fully responsible for repairing and receiving medical treatment in the attack on a stroke.

stroke causes and symptoms

To be able to recognize the symptoms of a stroke, you must be sure you know what the stroke is. In short, this is cardiovascular disease, which is characterized by a lack of blood in the brain or brain. Lack of blood can be caused by bleeding inside the brain or by a blockage of the artery. Of course, there are different types of courses, each of which is called by another thing and has slightly different symptoms.

Now that you know the reasons for the stroke, it won't be hard to guess what might be symptoms of stroke and symptom. Since this is a brane disease, the person who has the course is likely to violate his physical and psychological functions.

The physical symptoms of the stroke include sudden pain in the neck and at the lower part (specific to the trace of the Subaraknídeo haemorrhage), interrupted or lost sight, muscle weakness of part or all of the body, inability to speak, inability to move the face, dizziness, loss of balance. Psychological symptoms may include non-orientation, inability to understand others, confusion, and so on. It is important to remember that the symptoms of "runoff" usually occur suddenly in minutes and hours. However, in some cases, they may occur slowly in a few days or even weeks. How strong are the symptoms, depending on where the brain is and how many brain cells are affected? A person suspected of having committed a stroke must be taken to hospital in an emergency.

Stroke warning signals can occur alone or in combination. People suffering from a stroke before or as a result of a transient ischemic attack (aunt) are more likely to suffer strokes in the future. The same applies to persons with high blood pressure, especially obesity, as well as other cardiovascular diseases. If you live with someone who has signs that a stroke can always be ready. Try to be around this man as much as possible. If you can't stand by him or her 24 hours a day, find someone to take care of him at the time of absence. It is extremely important to receive medical care as soon as you suspect that the man has a stroke. People who suffer from the stroke cannot always get help themselves, and that is the situation in every minute.

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