Gonorrhea Symptoms In Men+photos Causes Infertility In Men

Gonorrhea Symptoms in men ~ The development of a general infection and the complications of gonorrhea infection can be traced back to many factors. Moreover, most people believe so much in self-medication. Everyone is a doctor and can prescribe another medication. According to this drug, people with gonorrhea infection only buy the recommended antibiotics, take a day or two and stop as soon as the first symptoms disappear.

They hardly know that antibiotics in suboptimal doses can only suppress gonorrhea infection, but never kill the germ. In male infertility, this is the reason why people with a low sperm count, blocked tubes, etc. claim to have treated the infection.

What are the complications if the infection is treated well?

You may be interested to know that in the pharmacological treatment of gonorrhea, with the exception of some powerful new generation medicines, all other conventional antibiotics must be taken for at least 10-14 days to ensure proper healing. Moreover, poverty limits some people to more expensive, but effective medicines.

gonorrhea symptoms in men+photos

Moreover, the countless counterfeit medicines that are in circulation today are never special. The problem with regard to sexually transmitted diseases cannot be emphasized enough. Interestingly, most people only know AIDS, gonorrhea and syphilis, while there are many sexually transmitted diseases that are even more dangerous and harmful to health.

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These can only occur or be mixed with other infections. A study in a region showed that approximately 60% of adolescents / young adults have a specific germ that causes the same damage as gonorrhea. This is called a Chlamydia infection.

After closing the infected channel, the patient complains of swelling and discomfort while walking or sitting. An inflamed and painful gland of Bartholin can be felt as an inflamed mass on the back of the labia majora. The diagnosis of acute arthritis can be made with great certainty if Gram-negative intracellular diplococci are found in the purulent exudate of the urethra.

50% of cases of endocervical gonorrhea can be diagnosed by a gram-stained smear of the carefully interpreted endocervical canal. The Neisseria species (for example, N. catarrhalis and N. sicca) inhabit the female genital tract; Therefore, the diagnosis is only considered if Gram-negative diplococci are present in the polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

Culture is the most reliable way to detect the presence of endocervical infections. However, the diagnosis is ignored in 10% of cases if the dependency is solely dependent on culture. An endocervical culture is taken by first locating the cervix with a speculum that is moistened with water and is not lubricated.

Excess cervical mucus is easier to remove with a cotton ball in a ring tong. A sterile cotton swab is inserted into the endocervical canal, moved from one side to the other and held in place for 10 to 30 seconds before sowing in the appropriate medium.

The anal canal should only be cultured if there is a symptom, a history of rectal sexual exposure or gonorrhea monitoring that is treated in women. Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) occurs in about 1% to 3% of patients with mucosal infections.

The rate of dissemination may be higher in patients with asymptomatic infection, probably as a result of the long period during which the organism can enter the blood vessels. Mice release submucosal blood vessels and increase the risk of spreading. The risk of systemic infection increases in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

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In one study, 71% of women with disseminated infection were diagnosed with the syndrome during pregnancy, after birth or in the first week of menstruation. The strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which spread and cause arthritis, seem to belong to a subset of a unique membrane protein and see the colonies in culture more often than strains that do not spread.

There is no evidence that pharyngeal transmission is more likely. The previous distribution was much more common in women, but now men and women are affected in some areas alike.


Migraine polyarthralgia is the most common symptom and affects up to 80% of patients. The descriptions of the development of the DGI are different. Some believe that there are two forms: a bacteremic phase with positive blood cultures and dermatitis, followed by co-localization phase with mono arthritis and positive synovial fluid, but negative blood cultures. Others find that too many overlaps occur.

Two presentations:

Patients usually present one of the two syndromes. The different views can be the result of different gonococcal strains. Polyarthralgias, tenosynovitis, dermatitis. Chills (25%) and fever (more than 50%) are associated with pain, redness and swelling of 3-6 small joints without spillage.

This arthritis and tenosynovitis occur in the hands and wrists, with pain in the tendons of the wrist and fingers. The toes and ankles can also be affected. These patients often have positive blood cultures and negative joint cultures. Chills and end fever when the rash appears on the extensor surfaces of the hands and the back of the ankle and toes.

Purulent arthritis:

As a rule, one or two large joints are affected, usually the knee, followed by the ankle, wrist and elbow. The affected joint is hot, sore and inflamed, and the movement is eingeschränkt.18 permanent changes in the joint can occur. The average number of leukocytes in the synovial fluid is usually more than 50,000 cells / mm 3.

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The joints are usually sterile, possibly due to immunological mechanisms. Dermatitis have been usually absent. Other less common complications in spreading are endocarditis, myocarditis and meningitis. The pus, which is obtained by unwinding the pimple, is performed with a gram staining of skin lesions. Blood culture results are generally positive only during the first few days and the isolation rate is low.

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