What Are The Symptoms Of Crohn's Disease In A Child?

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease? ~ Crohn's disease is a common disease in adolescents aged 14 to 32 years. It has also been reported that older patients, including children, suffer from this disease. Children with a father with Crohn's disease have a lifelong risk of 7 to 9 percent of the disease. You also have a 10 percent chance of developing an inflammatory bowel disease.

Children often have symptoms without being diagnosed for a long time. One of the most common symptoms of Crohn's disease is weight loss in adults and children. Children suffer from delayed growth and delayed puberty due to Crohn's disease.

If your child does not grow as fast as other children, it probably still bears the same school uniform as years ago. That could be a signal. Because of the nature of this disease, children are malnourished. Depending on where the digestive tract is inflamed, it can be difficult for your child to absorb the nutrients needed for growth and development.

what are the symptoms of crohn's disease in a child

You can also see an unusual bone development with the help of an X-ray picture. Your doctor may advise you to measure the weight and height of your baby every 6 to 12 months to make it easier to check. It is advisable to see what your child eats. It is known that some foods cause pimples, especially if they are allergic to some foods.

Eating good nutritious food with vitamin supplements would help them. The only way to know if your child is getting better with this disease is to maintain the same body weight. Other symptoms include anemia, loss of appetite, joint pain, diarrhea and abdominal pain. You can also see constipation, rectal bleeding and fever. Let us advise you when it comes to medication.

Most drugs for Crohn's disease are steroids. Steroids have some depressive symptoms in children. More and more people are using aloe Vera to promote digestion and absorption. Aloe Vera has been known and researched for many years. It has many benefits for the digestive system and is very useful in Crohn's disease.

Unlike many other Crohn's disease medicines, Aloeride is a 100% pure concentrated aloe Vera supplement with little or no side effects. It is less expensive and helps fight Crohn's disease. Samples (or biopsies) of inflamed tissue can be removed for examination under a microscope.

Sigmoidoscopy uses a short instrument to examine only the lower part of the large intestine. The colonoscopy uses a longer probe that visually controls the whole colon length of 3 feet. To diagnose Crohn's disease, complete colonoscopy is usually required.

Upper endoscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD):

In some cases, the gastroenterologist will examine the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus, the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine (duodenum). For this upper endoscopy procedure, a long, thin tube (an endoscope) with a small camera tip is inserted through the mouth and through the esophagus and stomach to the first part of the small intestine. EGD is often used to detect causes of bleeding or pain.

Endoscopic capsule:

A capsule endoscopy is like a miniature mobile endoscopy: she swallows a camera the size of a pill and makes photos while she passes the gastrointestinal tract. For about 8 hours the photos are transferred wirelessly to a small recorder that is attached to a belt or armor. If the camera capsule moves into the toilet during normal bowel movement (can be removed), pass the recording device on to your IG specialist who analyzes the photos.

Capsule endoscopy is a good way to examine the small intestine, which is difficult to see with traditional lower endoscopy (colonoscopy) or upper endoscopy. Doctors can see inflammations or other problems such as bleeding, tumors or polyps.

Imaging tests (CT and MR enterography):

In some cases computed tomography (CT) searches for inflammation of the disease or for complications (e.g. fistulae, tumors, bowel obstruction or bleeding). A CT scan captures many x-rays at the same time and creates a very detailed three-dimensional image of the small intestine and other structures of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes a specialized CT called CT enterography is used to obtain a larger amount of information about the small intestine. The Temple Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program has experience in diagnosing Crohn's disease with all of the above tests.

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